by Moniek de Leeuw | Oct 30, 2019 | Uncategorized
Heey sweet friends! In november I have nice shows coming up! You are very welcome 🙂 – 2 nov Amsterdam 4-5pm @ pllek together with Ibo Bakker & Sander Basman !Balkan & ragtime tunes & originals !- 9 nov Delft, solo @ Knapsack Festival. 2-4pm at HANNO...
by Moniek de Leeuw's Staff | May 10, 2018 | Uncategorized
Thanks everybody for the amazing music and nature- time in Switzerland! I am back in Holland now, preparing for the upcoming concerts in August! The shows this weekend: 17 aug 18.00 presenting my album Sea Roots at Bajesdorp Festival 99 in Amsterdam!...